Carbon Accounting

Carbon Accounting

Looking for a solution to track and reduce your organisation's carbon footprint while improving operations and lowering costs? Take a look at our Carbon Accounting service. Our platform provides you all the tools you need to precisely measure and monitor your greenhouse gas emissions across all three scopes, allowing you to discover areas for improvement and implement sustainability programmes that lower your carbon footprint while also improving your bottom line. With our platform, you can efficiently comply with environmental standards and establish your organisation as an environmentally conscientious.

Principles of the Carbon Accounting

Carbon Accounting is the process where a company measures, tracks, and verifies the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions related to the extraction of raw materials, production, transportation, selling, use, and disposal of the offered product or service. According to the GHG Protocol, there are three main scopes that must be considered for carbon accounting within an organisation:

Scope I – Direct activities: This scope accounts for the emissions generated within the direct operation of the company. This scope accounts for all mobile and stationary sources that belong to the company and that are used throughout the daily functioning of the organisation. Some examples of scope I emissions include boilers, furnaces, and vehicles, among others.
• Scope II – Indirect (Upstream) activities: This scope accounts for emissions generated from the purchase of electricity used by the company; however, it is essential for the emissions to physically occur within the organisations’ facilities for them to be included in this scope.
• Scope III – Indirect (Upstream and Downstream) activities: This scope reports and accounts for indirect emissions related to the product or service that are necessary for the production process but do not happen within the boundaries of the organisation, and therefore are not controlled by the company. Some examples of this scope include the extraction, production, and transport of inputs to the system, raw materials, purchase of fuels, as well as the use and selling of products and services for the organisation to function.

When performing a carbon accounting and analysis, it is imperative to adequately define the operational and organisational boundaries that will be considered throughout the study. These can change according to the type and size of the company that is being assessed, the number of assets considered, and the location of different facilities, among many other nuances.

The process then allows the identification of possible efficiency gains along the value chain that not only reduce emissions and the overall efficiency of the process but also help achieve a more cost-efficient process.


For all inquiries please reach our Client service team or contact one of our experts directly.

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